Free vs. Paid VPN: Which One is Worth Choosing in 2024?

Tiziana Piatos  - Streaming Reporter
Last updated: April 24, 2024
Read time: 16 minutes

Several VPN providers offer free and not-so-free services. But are such services safe and trustworthy? Or do you have to stick to premium VPNs? Let's find out.


The market is flooded with free and paid VPN services since both sides attract a significant customer base. Yet, this equal popularity doesn’t mean that the two are identical. Comparing free vs paid VPN services explains how the former lags behind in many aspects. Free VPN services have many problems, from subpar service to little to no data privacy. But, they’re still popular due to their easy availability at no cost. Plus, many paid service providers also offer limited free versions for budget users. So, as the end-user, knowing how free and paid VPNs differ is essential before choosing to opt for one. That is what this detailed guide deals with.

Okay, we are into 2024. Still, users keep comparing free vs. paid VPNs. And, it understandably is an essential and valid question.

The simple answer is: Nothing in this world is free. All comes at a cost. When it comes to the internet, this is mainly so.

The free utilities that we all love and take for granted (concerning our internet privacy) are a means for corporations to gather your data and market it for a fee to third parties.

However, are ‘free VPNs’ secure to use? The simple answer is no. While you can notice a range of choices available on the market that provide their services for free, it is necessary to note that utilizing free VPNs typically comes with a few downsides, unlike a premium VPN.

Without thinking about it, not only are you getting your surfing patterns monitored, but pop-up advertisements will also fill your screen and destroy your online experience.

In brief, you are the commodity if you’re not paying for the product. It is a no-brainer that free VPNs should also make money for themselves. This typically comes at the user’s cost.

Will individuals pay for a VPN, or is it okay to have it for free? It is also challenging to get the correct answer to these concerns. Let’s discuss the variations, benefits, and drawbacks of free and paid VPNs.