Email Security Guides


Email spoofing: What is it, its dangers, examples, and protection?

Jorge Felix Last Updated: November 7, 2023
We have some bad news for you. We’re pretty sure that you’ve been emailed spoofed at least once. Email spoofing…
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How to Delete Your Gmail Account: The Comprehensive Guide

Nwachukwu Glory Last Updated: June 20, 2024
It’s hard to imagine why you would want to delete a Gmail or a Google account. After all, few assets…
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How to Send an Anonymous Email in 2024 (5 Easy Ways)

Abeerah Hashim Last Updated: December 29, 2023
Email is still around, and it’s more vital than ever. The new means of communication didn’t kill emails; they just…
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What are Phishing Emails and How to Protect Yourself in 2024

Abeerah Hashim Last Updated: January 1, 2024
You all know about fishing, right? You go out with a fishing tackle, choose bait, throw it in the water,…
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How to encrypt your emails: An easy-to-follow guide on email encryption

Abeerah Hashim Last Updated: November 13, 2023
Today, almost everyone around the world is concerned about protecting personal chats. That’s the reason apps like WhatsApp, Signal, and…
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How to Use Tutanota Secure Email – A Comprehensive Guide

Abeerah Hashim Last Updated: February 2, 2024
Securing your emails is as crucial as your conversations and personal data. In fact, emails often include much more information…
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