Objective Bark Review: Is It Worth It?

Abeerah Hashim  - Security Expert
Last updated: February 19, 2024
Read time: 29 minutes

Our children are our future. So Bark parental control app helps keep kids safe online. Learn all about the Bark app in this review.

When it comes to keeping our family safe, there is almost nothing we wouldn’t do. In the physical world, we depend on alarm systems, burglaries, and dogs to keep us safe; the same is true in the digital world.

Kids are active online, from catching up on the latest gist, gossip, and school research work to watching games, cartoons, and videos. Unfortunately, while all of these are fun, they are also dangerous. Fortunately, you can be at peace with parental apps such as Bark, knowing your kids are safe and secure everywhere.

Although there are many Bark reviews, they don’t say that this parental control app isn’t like the others. For one, the software reveals when it’s in use as it occupies a complete view of your phone. Also, it doesn’t allow for unscheduled views. Instead, it alerts you when there is unusual behavior from your kids.

So, what is the Bark app? Is it worth it? We place the parental control app on the hot seat in this unbiased bark review to find out. Read on.

What is the Bark app?

The Bark filters, monitors, and blocks parental control apps. The computer software is designed to filter, monitor, and block YouTube content, messages, emails, and tons of other social media networks.

It enables parents to track and manage what their kids do online and who they communicate with, keeping them safe and secure while building their independence and confidence.

The app boasts several remarkable statistics, such as detecting 363,000 self-harm incidents and 2.4 million bullying issues. Also, they claim to have prevented 16 school shootings, according to the information published on their official website (www.bark.us).

Looks interesting? Let’s explore it in detail through this honest review of the Bark app.

Features of Bark Parental Control