Israel’s data-for-vaccines drives quick rollout but raises privacy concerns

Thuranira John Kobia  - Tech Journalist
Last updated: November 20, 2023
Israel Pfizer Privacy Concerns
  • Israel secures dozens of COVID-19 vaccinations and vaccinates millions of its population ahead of the US, UK, and others.
  • The nation intends to provide two shots of the vaccine to each Israeli before Mar. 23 elections.
  • Country's health and privacy experts raise concerns about patient’s sensitive medical details.

It is unbelievable how tiny Israel manages to secure dozens of COVID-19 vaccinations more than bigger countries. Besides, it is even more surprising that it has vaccinated a larger share of its citizenry already.

With a population of just 9 million people, Israel struck a unique deal, vaccines for data. The country paid a premium and secured Pfizer-BioTech vaccines early. According to , Israel promised Pfizer a swift vaccination rollout. It also provided data from a centralized trove of medical statistics.