Is Someone Spying on Your Cellphone? How to See and Stop It?

Gannicus Oliver  - Tech Journalist
Last updated: February 20, 2024
Read time: 19 minutes

This guide provides you with 15 ways to know if someone is spying on your cell phone, plus how you can remove spy software alongside stopping them ahead.


The mobile phone is the greatest gift of the technological era. This handy tool stores valuable information like messages, emails, pictures, GPS location, and more for users’ convenience. Yet, for the same reason, it is a lucrative target for spies. Many spyware or stalkerware apps exist today that adversaries can install on your mobile devices without your consent. They can then monitor all the information on your phone, take photos, record conversations, take screen grabs, and do much more. Although, it is difficult to detect these apps at a glance. Yet, some common signs can indicate spyware in your phone. So, let’s learn how to spot and remove spying on your cellphone.

Would you want your personal data stolen? With each passing day, government surveillance programs get even tighter, spyware gets rampant, and there’s an increase in the number of bad actors. Therefore, it’s almost impossible to stay safe online.

Most folks are trying to get into your phone, and fortunately for them, it’s working. What makes it even easier is the fact that you may never know when someone is spying on your cell phone.

Since getting rid of your phone is not an option, securing it is the most important thing eternally. Luckily, there are several signs that tell if you’re being spied on, as well as ways to stop such attacks.

What is mobile spyware?

Mobile spyware is merely software that monitors and records all your actions and information without your knowledge or permission.

However, if you’re aware this monitoring software is installed in your device, then the software is no longer considered spyware.

Spying Cell Phone