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US Govt’s trusted quantum-resistant encryption algorithm has a flaw, researchers find

Kinyua Njeri (Sam Kin) Last Updated: November 20, 2023
A research group has exposed a weakness in CRYSTALS-Kyber, an encryption algorithm that the U.S. National Institute of Standards and…
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GoDaddy was hacked as attackers installed malware on its servers

Nwachukwu Glory Last Updated: November 15, 2023
GoDaddy, arguably the leading web hosting company, has revealed a multi-year security breach that allowed unknown third parties to access…
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Google Fi breach exposes customers’ data

Abeerah Hashim Last Updated: November 10, 2023
Google has confirmed a recent data breach affecting Google Fi phone network customers. It is likely related to a security…
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Google to pay $29.5 million in settlements for location tracking lawsuits

Nwachukwu Glory Last Updated: November 15, 2023
Google has made the lawsuits headline again as the Tech Giant has agreed to pay $29.5 million in two tracking…
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The US House of Representatives prohibits TikTok use by lawmakers and staff

Abeerah Hashim Last Updated: November 10, 2023
TikTok has gained popularity across different countries, allowing users to upload and share video content with others. However, the United…
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Twitter to bring end-to-end encryption back to Direct Messages again

Nwachukwu Glory Last Updated: November 15, 2023
Since Elon Musk’s arrival, Twitter has been going through various changes that he hopes will improve the platform. For example,…
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A non-profit think tank defends crypto privacy over Tornado Cash sanctions

Samuel Walker Last Updated: November 6, 2023
Earlier this month, the Coin Center, a non-profit organization focusing on cryptocurrency policies, announced that it is filing a lawsuit…
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Australia’s telecom firm Telstra Employees’ Data leaked On The Dark Web

Abeerah Hashim Last Updated: November 10, 2023
Telstra reported that there was a data breach that involved thousands of its employees’ names and email addresses which was…
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Websites are dropping the Facebook button as consumers demand more privacy

Ruheni Mathenge Last Updated: October 26, 2023
Recently, consumers have focused more on privacy when surfing the internet for daily activities like social media, e-shopping, signing up…
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Coinbase is reportedly selling users’ Geo-location data to ICE through Tracer tools

Nwachukwu Glory Last Updated: November 15, 2023
One of the unique things about cryptocurrency operations is anonymity. As a result, investors, traders, and participants enjoy transacting without…
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